Monday, December 30, 2013

आधी स्वंत्रता

निष्ठुर हैं नियति, काल, सगे सभी औ' समाज,
व्याकुल, संतप्त, भीरु, अबला दुहित्रि आज।
स्वतंत्रता सर्वार्थ वचन दे संग्राम में,
दिया हमे आधा फल, पूरे के दाम में।

मर्यादा, लज्जा, स्त्री-धर्मं के सूतों से,
महापाश बुन मनुज-जननी के पूतों ने।
रक्त के प्रपात से होते हैं ये तृप्त,
ताड़ना अन्याय में समाज नर-प्रधान लिप्त।

धर्मं-संस्कार के नक़ाब में अनर्थ छुपा,
थोपते स्वतंत्र मनन-विचार पे अनर्गलता।
कहते हैं, "खतरे में पड़ गए हैं संस्कार",
माँगा जो बेटियों ने जीने का स्वाधिकार।

बात संस्कारों की करते हैं वो , जो की 
न्याय और प्रेम से रहे सदैव अजनबी।
धर्मं उनका धर्मं नहीं, मनगढ़ंत बातें हैं,
दमन उनकी नीति है भय की वो खाते हैं।

करने को जीवन की कल्पना को साकार,
देव ने बनाए स्त्री-पुरुष, दो आधार।
दो में से एक यदि आहात हो जाये,
मानवता का पुर, बचेगा न बचाए।

धर्मं की है बात, यदि धर्मं को है मानना,
तो आवश्यक पुरुषों का पुरुष-धर्मं जानना।
पारंगत हैं यदि स्त्री-धर्मं में वो इतने,
आप ही स्त्री बन जाएँ, रोका इनको किसने?

जीवन है जीवित, स्त्री-पुरुष के योग से,
योग हुआ है संभव, प्रेम के प्रयोग से।
प्रेम का विकल्प नहीं ताड़ना बन पाएगी,
योग बनेगा वियोग, सभ्यता ढह जायेगी।

सुनो सुतों प्रलय के इस बढ़ते पदचाप को,
काम लो विवेक से, अरे संभालो आप को।
तुच्छ शौर्य के मद में दानव तुम हो बने,
आँख खोल देखो, आत्महत्या पर हो ठने।

प्रेम औ' चंचलता भय में विलीन गर होंगी,
बर्बरता प्रभु बनेगी, बर्बर सुख के भोगी।
बर्बरता की अग्नि तुम्हे भी जलायेगी,
वश में न होगा कुछ, मनुजता पछताएगी।

जुड़ें सभी स्त्री-पुरुष, सभ्यता के पथगामी,
प्रेम हो सर्वस्व, हों स्वतंत्रता के अभिमानि।
ह्रदय और अस्थियों से, पत्तों और टहनियों से,
सीखें हम मनुज-धर्मं, प्रकृति-प्राण-इन्द्रियों से।

जीवन का आधार, है ह्रदय की धड़कन,
अस्थियो का धर्म किन्तु, है ह्रदय का संरक्षण।
पत्तों की हर्याली, पेड़ो का जीवन है,
शाखों का धर्मं अपितु, जीवन-रस-वितरण है।

आत्म-निरीक्षण व्रत लें, उंगलियाँ नहीं उठें,
दुसरो के धर्म का न प्रतिनिधित्व हम करें।
परस्पर सम्मान हो, दुर्विचार ह्रास हो,
ऐसे एक युग में प्रभु, विश्व का निवास हो!!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Decoding AAP and Arvind Kejriwal

India Against Corruption was undoubtedly a phenomenon which captured the imagination of the country at large and the youth in particular. It had all the charm and promise that a nation, increasingly identifying itself as "oppressed", could ask for.

The chief protagonist of this movement working tirelessly behind the scenes, Arvind Kejriwal parted ways with his stated mentor Anna Hazare, to form his own political party, the Aam Admi Party, claiming it to be "the most practical method" to deal with the malaise of Indian Politics. He went solo even as Anna Hazare objected to embracing active politics. Anna Hazare is now the forgotten hero of the movement and is increasing receding to obscurity in the absence of the managerial skills of his disciple AK. 

"Disciple" or "Manipulator"?

There is no doubt about the fact that AK is a good tactician and a capable manager. Too good I guess, to the peril of all those who trust him. 

Kisan Baburao Hazare was a local hero with a formidable reputation as a social activist in Maharashtra. Before IAC, he was a local phenomenon, a good man, fighting for valid causes at the local and state level. His various TV appearances would suggest that he was a simpleton, earthy, not too sophisticated, certainly not eloquent but respectable, and had his priorities right. He was the kind of figure with whom the masses could identify and whom the masses could respect. A person who could undertake a fast unto death.

As the story goes, IAC was born when Kiran Bedi was approached by Arvind Kejriwal after the 2G and CWG stories came to fore. AK put forward the idea of a protest with Anna Hazare as the chief protagonist. Ms Bedi, the zealot that she is, instantly agreed and the IAC initiative became a reality and later history! It is notable that of all the people who represented IAC, Kiran Bedi was the best known figure throughout India. AK and Anna were known only to the activist circles, but then there were bigger names even in activism for eg: Medha Patkar, Aruna Roy etc. AK effectively was "some activist" to the wide nation. 

The beauty of IAC, other than the obvious arousal and pooling of national outrage over corruption, was also the propulsion to the primus-inter-peres status of a yet unknown Arvind Kejriwal. Call it providence, call it a national discovery or... astute planning, Arvind Kejriwal was now a phenomenon. How?

While all other star activists spoke for themselves, Anna, who was not the most eloquent, but who was the brightest star at the time, was represented on literally every stage and in every studio, by Arvind Kejriwal. AK practically was the voice of Anna. His visible closeness with Anna made him a shareholder to the adulation which Anna Hazare and IAC won. As for other star activists, they were gradually reduced from "participants" to "dignified guests on stage" to "rank outsiders", the process ending with Anna Hazare himself.

Not taking any credit away from AK, he has over the years, set some good trends and made the right noises. As with IAC he has been impeccable with the management and upbringing of AAP.

He started off early, got his cadres on the ground, fired them up, won their confidence and established cadre-to-people contacts, something which his rivals are not politically conditioned to do.  He devised exemplary candidate selection processes. 

But then is the "formally correct" actually correct?

He did make the right noises, he has brought in a visible trend shift. Pol parties are looking for candidates with clean images to field in Delhi elections. But how true is he to his own assertions? 

On the issue of disproportionate assets within his party, he came up with a widely known political mechanism of "internal investigation" repackaged as "Internal Lokpal". Incidentally, there is no closure even from the AAP internal Lokpal on the issue for quite some time now. As it is, in the din due to ensuing Delhi elections, the matter is as good as forgotten... advantage Arvind Kejriwal!! 

There was another news on SM about an electoral ticket being gifted to one "Raghav Ji", a known ration-mafia from Delhi. The decision had to be revoked in the face of widespread outrage on social media. 

But AK did manage to fire up his cadres. Youngsters were seen in the streets of Delhi wearing Aan Admi topis, chanting slogans, talking to people, conducting surveys. A pol party which actually tries to connect with people was a heartening sight! 

But how were they paid back?? With the famed candidate-selection-process in place, even after having spent months in the sun on the streets of delhi, deserving volunteers were yanked off, in favor of some relatively high profile Delhi residents who had done little volunteer works, Some known and detested sycophants have also got tickets. 

All that apart, AK must get credit for he has been able to win the confidence of Delhiites. He successfully projected himself as a harbinger of honesty, a revolutionary, a man of the masses! 
He understands the major irritants for people, he talks to them in a language which they understand, suggests solution which they buy.  

Talking about the "man of the masses" perception, this is a indeed a feat. Achieved through wonderfully coherent and consistent speeches, a keen observation and if doubts be allowed, meticulous planning. 

AK is always seen in over-sized shirts and with exceeding regularity, an over-sized "White shirt with black checks", pretty much resembling the checks worn by "The Common Man" in "R. K. Lakshman's" cartoons!! Very very subtle indeed...

One could spike this point with a conspiracy theory allegation, but how difficult is it picking a shirt which fits perfectly and is not OVER-SIZED, unless the over-sized purchase is by design? And how can someone wear the same design over and over again on every other appearance on the TV unless he is short of clothes OR if he has multiple shirts of the same design. And how difficult is it to tuck the shirt in? 

But then the disheveled appearance does give him the "common man" touch. The over-sized shirt does suggest that he must have lost weight and must be working very hard. The repetitive design and overall looks do suggest that, "this is a man who is not very rich and is likely not interested in any riches"! Also gives him the typical "victim" look with which the "Aam Admi" can actually identify, given the disturbing times we are in. 

This could be easily put-off as a baseless allegation and in all honesty, I might be reading a little too much into it, but image makeovers in politics are a reality and not a hidden one at that. 
It might seem immaterial nonetheless, because AK does have an unblemished existence. He is widely perceived to be honest and his honesty cannot be questioned merely because of his dressing. 

But what can be questioned is the attitude. The question can be, "Is is honest or is he just too subtle at not being honest?"

AK has developed political acumen that would rival established politicians. It must be conceded that he is an excellent communicator. He talks in the language of the people. He is able to identify the most obvious and major irritants and proposes solutions which people instantly buy. 

He has the advantage of a "lack of history" and of fresh candidates without blemishes. There is very little for the unsuspecting eyes to really write him off. 

That said, his political acumen is growing too fast for comfort. His minority appeasement efforts are now no secret, thanks to social media. He has a predominantly leftist bend and shows striking resemblances to the ideologue. 

The notion of victim-hood, with the appearance, the demeanor and the use of a picture taken after being "water-cannoned" on AAP posters. The call for revolution, a monolithic solution ( Janlokpal ) for every governance-related issue, the increasing ease of distinction of "good n' bad" among AAP followers coupled with their increasingly militant response to any criticism are hallmarks of a leftist bend.

If AAP get to form a govt anywhere and if they go ahead with their "direct democracy" model of governance ( nuances of which are yet unknown ) I suppose it will be a disaster. The idea that AK's speeches give is that people will take all decisions related to their lives and beings. With an untested model, his leaders, an inexperienced lot at that, could be left confused. It is people who will ultimately suffer. 

If he does not give all autonomy under this model, people who perceived complete autonomy will feel cheated. Dissatisfaction will surge anyway, as it has during all other Communist govts. Amidst growing dissatisfaction, AK's own charisma will be the only silver lining for his party. 

While there is no other charismatic leader in AAP even now, this crisis will further strengthen AK's standing in the party, beefing an already existing personality cult in AAP. If things do not improve thereon, AAP, like all other parties will start blaming external influences, sabotages, opposition etc for its failure and the cadres will grown increasingly militant and repressive against criticism. This not a mere figment of one's imagination but an induction from other leftist regimes across the world. 

Delhi be best advised to choose wisely!!